Ing. Viktor Vojtko Ph.D.


Chamber of Deputies

Member from 09.10.2021

Political Group

Political group Mayors and Independents

Member from 14.10.2021

Political group Mayors and Independents

Vice-chairperson from 11.01.2022


Committee on Public Administration and Regional Development

Member from 23.11.2021

Committee on Social Policy

Member from 23.11.2021


Standing Commission on the Activities of the National Cyber and Information Security Agency

Member from 26.11.2021


Permanent Delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union

Member from 25.11.2021

Permanent Delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union

Head of delegation from 14.12.2021


Subcommitte on Regional Education and Lifelong Learning

Member from 14.12.2021

Subcommittee on Business Environment

Member from 23.02.2022

Subcommittee on Business Environment

Vice-chairperson from 09.03.2022

Subcommittee on Information Technologies, Social Benefit Systems and Employment Administration

Member from 18.01.2022

Subcommittee on Protection of Human Rights

Member from 21.02.2022

Subcommittee on Tourism

Member from 23.02.2022

Subcommittee on Tourism

Vice-chairperson from 31.03.2022

Subcommittee on e-Government

Member from 23.02.2022

Interparliamentary Friendship Group


Member from 13.11.2023

Argentine Republic

Member from 19.06.2024

Argentine Republic

Chairperson from 20.06.2024

Great Britain

Member from 01.03.2022


Member from 31.01.2023

Republic of Angola

Member from 29.01.2024

Republic of Angola

Chairperson from 30.01.2024

Republic of Indonesia

Member from 30.03.2023

Republic of Indonesia

Chairperson from 31.03.2023


Member from 01.03.2022

State of Israel

Member from 01.03.2022

United States of America

Member from 01.03.2022

the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zeland

Member from 20.02.2022

the Federal Republic of Germany

Member from 01.03.2022

the Italian Republic

Member from 20.02.2022

the Republic of Austria

Member from 01.03.2022

the Republic of Korea

Member from 20.02.2022