
The Chamber of Deputies sits for the entire term of office, within which it holds individual meetings, usually two-week sessions of the plenary.
In the course of the session, the Chamber of Deputies works in five-week cycles devoted to different activities, such as committee work, so-called deputy week, and meetings of the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies.

Meetings of the Chamber of Deputies are convened by its Speaker, either on the basis of legal provisions or on the basis of a resolution of the Chamber of Deputies. The Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies must also call its meeting if requested by at least one-fifth of all the deputies. Even in such a case, deputies have to be informed of the summons no less than five days in advance.

The public can watch the course of the meeting in person from the gallery of the Chamber of Deputies or from the television broadcast that is transmitted into all the buildings of the Chamber of Deputies and on the public website. In the case of the discussion of particularly important issues, the course of the meeting of the Chamber of Deputies is broadcast by public television within its nationwide coverage.

Each deputy is allocated a seat in the Assembly Hall of the Chamber of Deputies in accordance with the seating arrangements approved by the Chamber.

In addition to deputies, the meetings of the Chamber of Deputies may always be attended by the President of the Republic, members of the government and persons entitled by law to attend meetings of the Chamber of Deputies and its bodies.
These can be granted the floor by the person presiding (the Speaker or one of the Deputy Speakers of the Chamber of Deputies), who chairs the meetings of the Chamber of Deputies.

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Plenary session - live broadcast

Elections to the Parliament of the Czech Republic

Elections to both chambers of the Parliament of the Czech Republic take place on the basis of general, equal and direct voting rights by secret ballot. Every citizen of the CR over 18 years of age who has legal capacity and whose freedom is not limited for the sake of the protection of the health of people has the opportunity to vote.

Elections are announced by the President of the Republic and always held on two days (on the territory of the CR on Friday and Saturday). Voting take place in permanent electoral districts.

It is also possible to vote for the Chamber of Deputies abroad at Czech embassies and consulates.

Seating plan

Seating plan