Czech lower house observes minute of silence for Queen Elizabeth

Prague, Sept 9.

The Czech politicians were saddened to receive the news on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. They appreciated her life-long devotion to the British monarchy, her diligence and humbleness with which she served her nation. They saw her as the symbol of stability.

The politicians sent their condolences to the royal family, the people of the United Kingdom and the whole Commonwealth.

„Her devoted service to the monarchy, great humbleness and nobleness will stay in our hearts forever,“ Czech President Milos Zeman stated.

Prime Minister Petr Fiala (Civic Democrats, ODS) said Elizabeth II had been the symbol of the British monarchy for most of the people all around the world.

Lower house chairwoman Marketa Pekarova Adamova (TOP 09) says that Elizabeth II will always stay in the minds of all as the role model of a monarch who was devoted to her country and who subordinated herself to the needs of her nation.

Senate chairman Milos Vystrcil (ODS) said that Queen had been the symbol of continuity and stability.

Queen Elizabeth II celebrated 70 years on the throne this year. Her first-born son Charles became the King of the monarchy after her death.