Ing. Eva Fialová


Chamber of Deputies

Member from 09.10.2021

Political Group

Political group ANO 2011

Member from 11.10.2021

Board of Trustees

The Supervisory Board of the General Health Insurance Company of the Czech Republic

Member from 17.02.2022

The Supervisory Board of the General Health Insurance Company of the Czech Republic

Substitution from 18.02.2022


Committee on Environment

Member from 23.11.2021

Committee on Environment

Vice-chairperson from 24.11.2021

Committee on Public Administration and Regional Development

Member from 30.11.2022


Subcommittee on Environmental Finance

Member from 18.01.2022

Subcommittee on Executions and Insolvency

Member from 18.01.2022

Subcommittee on Housing Policy and Construction

Member from 23.02.2022

Subcommittee on Housing Policy and Construction

Vice-chairperson from 14.04.2022

Subcommittee on Socially Excluded Localities and Integration of Former Inmates

Member from 18.01.2022

Subcommittee on Technical Protection of Environment

Member from 18.01.2022

Interparliamentary Friendship Group


Member from 20.02.2022


Member from 20.02.2022

Republic of Serbia

Member from 20.02.2022

State of Israel

Member from 01.03.2022

United States of America

Member from 01.03.2022

the Federal Republic of Germany

Member from 01.03.2022

the Republic of Cuba

Member from 20.02.2022