Ing. Vladimíra Lesenská


Chamber of Deputies

Member from 09.10.2021

Political Group

Political group Freedom and Direct Democracy

Member from 11.10.2021


Podvýbor pro podporu demokracie a lidských práv v zahraničí

Member from 10.01.2024

Subcommittee on Common Issues of Social and Health Areas

Member from 18.01.2022

Subcommittee on ICT, Telecommunication and Digital Economy

Member from 02.02.2022

Subcommittee on Information Technologies, Social Benefit Systems and Employment Administration

Member from 18.01.2022

Subcommittee on Science and Post-Secondary Educational Institutions

Member from 22.02.2022

Subcommittee on Water Management

Member from 21.02.2023


Electoral Commission of the Chamber of Deputies

Member from 01.11.2021

Electoral Commission of the Chamber of Deputies

Verifier of commission from 03.11.2021


Committee on Constitutional and Legal Affairs

Member from 23.11.2021

Committee on Constitutional and Legal Affairs

Vice-chairperson from 24.11.2021

Committee on Social Policy

Member from 23.11.2021

Interparliamentary Friendship Group


Member from 20.02.2022

Great Britain

Member from 01.03.2022


Member from 20.02.2022

Kingdom of Spain

Member from 24.02.2022

Republic of Armenia

Member from 20.02.2022


Member from 01.03.2022


Member from 17.07.2022

the Republic of Austria

Member from 01.03.2022

the United Mexican States

Member from 20.02.2022