Mgr. et Mgr. Jakub Michálek Ph.D.


Chamber of Deputies

Member from 09.10.2021

Political Group

Political group Czech Pirate Party

Member from 09.10.2021

Political group Czech Pirate Party

Chairperson from 10.10.2021


Committee on Constitutional and Legal Affairs

Member from 23.11.2021

Committee on Constitutional and Legal Affairs

Vice-chairperson from 24.11.2021


Standing Commission on Oversight over the work of the Security Information Service

Member from 26.11.2021


Subcommittee on Executions and Insolvency

Member from 09.01.2024

Subcommittee on Finance

Member from 18.01.2022

Subcommittee on Judicial System

Member from 18.01.2022

Interparliamentary Friendship Group

Republic of Indonesia

Member from 04.03.2024

United States of America

Member from 01.03.2022

the Federal Republic of Germany

Member from 01.03.2022

the Republic of Estonia

Member from 20.02.2022

the Republic of Estonia

Chairperson from 21.02.2022

Board of Trustees

The Supervisory Board of the State Agricultural Intervention Fund

Member from 05.04.2022

The Supervisory Board of the State Agricultural Intervention Fund

Chairperson from 06.04.2022