MVDr. Pavel Bělobrádek Ph.D., MPA


Chamber of Deputies

Member from 09.10.2021

Political Group

Political Group of the Christian and Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party

Member from 11.10.2021

Political Group of the Christian and Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party

Vice-chairperson from 12.07.2023


Subcommittee on Food Industry, Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production

Member from 17.01.2022

Subcommittee on Gamekeeping, Fisheries, Apiculture, Gardening and Animal Husbandry

Member from 17.01.2022

Subcommittee on Nature and Countryside Conservation

Member from 18.01.2022

Subcommittee on Science and Post-Secondary Educational Institutions

Member from 14.12.2021

Subcommittee on Science, Research and Innovations

Member from 02.02.2022


Committee on Agriculture

Member from 23.11.2021


Standing Commission on Oversight over the work of the Security Information Service

Member from 26.11.2021

Standing Commission on Oversight over the work of the Security Information Service

Chairperson from 14.12.2021